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Smells Like Home; Tastes Like Love

Name Origin: While in culinary school in 2014; I decided that I would create an Instagram page to photo journal my 2-year culinary journey through graduation. Then, the idea to do food blogging and video blogging segments called Dished By Kim stood out in my mind. While those projects are still in the lab I decided to turn my DBA into an LLC and turn my craft into a service. 

Family Origin: Three of my four grandparents are Natives of Louisiana. I am a second-generation Texan. Born and raised on Galveston, Island. Where there was a family there was always food. Every celebration; great or small requires food. My grandmother taught me to prepare her signature pot of gumbo at an early age. After culinary school and working in professional kitchens, I learned a few techniques of my own and elevated and developed my own signature pot of gumbo.

My Passion: The kitchen is my peace; People are my passion

My deceased father, Clyde "Agg" Gamble was big on respect and family. He also loved to feed people and passed that gene down to me. He was my devoted taste tester whom I miss very much. Although I am a professional culinarian; it's not about the money for me. Food and proper nutrition heal from the inside out. Knowing that I played a part in the healing process of someone by assisting with their dietary needs does more for my spirit than any dollar amount will. With Dished By Kim in the kitchen; your meals will Smell Like Home and Taste Like Love! - God bless!

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